You can not step twice into the same river. - Heraclitus

These are two projects exploring the finite quality of experience and memory. In 2015, I became interested in how and why we hold onto souvenirs and attempt to recreate past feelings. This process of revisiting alters the memory itself and creates new understandings or manipulates its purity. 

ONE - RECREATING, an experiment

  1. Draw from memory or imagination the most beautiful river in your mind. Do not look at it while you are drawing.
  2. Look at what you have drawn. Study it.
  3. Think of the happiest moment in your life. Walk through every moment of it -- see it, smell it, feel it, go through every motion of it.
  4. Spin 3 times. 
  5. Now think of your drawing. Remember its movements. Draw a second blind contour, not of the same river but of the first drawing. 


A motion study on repetition and attempts to revisit past. 

IN PROGRESS You can't step into the same river twice. Trying.